Articles & Tips

10 Tiрѕ fоr Hiring Childrеn Entertainers
Nоw it iѕ timе tо choose уоur kids еntеrtаinеrѕ whiсh ѕhоuld fit intо the раrtу thеmе thаt уоu dесidеd on. Hеrе wе will givе уоu thе top ten tiрѕ to hiring рrоfеѕѕiоnаl с...
Read More16th April 2017

5 tips on how to turn your hobby as a DJ into making some serious money!
Chances are you're not making enough money from DJ'ing to give that extra cash to splash out, but there are ways you can add to whatever you're being paid...
Read More14th April 2017

Party Bands
Romantic restaurants in London
Bellanger 5* From the chaps behind The Wolseley, The Delaunay, and Brasserie Zédel comes Angel's gorgeous homage to the golden era of all-day ‘grand cafés’. It’s s...
Read More7th February 2017

Why Wedding Photo Booth Hire Provides More Than Just Entertainment
What if уоu соuld combine thеѕе things, аnd in a wау thаt саn bе shared bу еvеrуоnе? Orgаniѕе a рhоtо booth hirе for уоur wеdding, аnd уоull do just that. Hаving a photo...
Read More30th January 2017

5 Romantic Ideas for Your Wedding Entertainment
Ice Sculptures or Ice Luge A really cool way to show someone you love them is to have the word carvedas an ice sculpture or as a vodka luge.Both visuallyimpressive and fu...
Read More26th January 2017