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9 Results

Dean Martin Tribute wanted for Anniversary

Margate. Kent on 1st of March, Saturday £300

Solo Artist wanted for Birthday (Adult)

Basildon on 8th of March, Saturday £250

Champagne Bar wanted for Wedding Reception

Cheam, Sutton on 5th of May, Monday £300

Wedding Bands wanted for Wedding Reception

Skipton on 11th of May, Sunday

Wedding Photographer wanted for Wedding Ceremony

Hemsby, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk on 24th of May, Saturday

Champagne Bar wanted for Wedding Reception

Rowhill Grange Hotel, Top Dartford Road, Dartford on 21st of June, Saturday £450

Ensemble wanted for Wedding Ceremony

Brighton, Brighton and Hove on 8th of August, Friday £100

Wedding DJ wanted for Wedding Reception

The Vu, The Vu, Bathgate on 20th of September, Saturday £1000

Champagne Bar wanted for Wedding Reception

Knutsford on 21st of August, Friday £500

Showing 1-9 of 9 items.

Broad-ranging event vacancies to hit the spot

When a get-together is in full swing, no one wants to be down-in-the-mouth. If you’re a pro in making people laugh or getting them engaged in some activities, join Rated Performers to become part of their entertainment programme. Here, you will be spoilt for choice of event industry jobs to add a spark to someone’s special occasion. We help you sift through varied options to find the one that can bring you fame and some money.

Those who are looking for a skilled artist or an entertainer to kill boredom can also benefit from Rated Performers. You can hire any talent or even a whole band of showmen so that your festive occasion goes with a bang. All the professionals who are adept at turning ordinary parties into gleeful ones are at your service here.

Bring fun into everything that’s looming on your horizon: an anniversary, a wedding ceremony or a prom. Our event job search box is specially designed for you to discover the best talents in musical arts, comedy and related fields. What is left to do is decide on the reception style and start getting ready for your upcoming occasion!

How can you take advantage of our event jobs?

Now, you can check if there’s a vacancy available from the comfort of your home. For your better experience, you can select the desired date and see where and when the event you’re interested in takes place. You can also find the level of earnings next to some postings. Bear in mind that we don’t charge anything for event job search, whether you’re a showman or the one who is looking to hire.

No more classified ads in local newspapers! If your weekend plans are all about working, event jobs at Rated Performers will help you earn.